The first wave of marchers crested the hill. 第一批游行示威者登上了山顶。
Let's give credit where credit is due: Amazon, Yahoo, eBay, Dell& these companies led the first wave of the New Economy. 让我们客观评价一下亚马逊、雅虎、eBay、戴尔,这几家公司引发了新经济的第一波浪潮。
Once you have your vision and high-level roadmap defined, you will begin to work on your first wave, which becomes a change initiative. 您的远景或是高层次的路标一旦确定了,您将开始将成为变化开端的第一个波动的工作。
The previous article in this series talks about the business requirements for your first wave of SOA services. 本系列的前一篇文章讨论了第一组SOA服务的业务需求。
During the first wave of SOA, governance was merely a nice, optional discipline. 在SOA的早期,治理仅是一个不错的可选规程。
The first wave of modularization in Java began with large software products like IDEs, followed by applications servers. 第一轮Java模块化始于IDE之类的大型软件产品,之后是应用服务器。
Experts say this new smart baggage represents just the first wave of this equipment. 专家们说,这种新智能行李箱只是这类设备的第一波浪潮。
Li Sanqi, 60, was part of the first wave of Chinese to study in the West. 60岁的李三奇是首批到西方留学的中国人之一。
'We saw the first wave of credit crunch last summer,' she said. 她说,去年夏天看到了第一轮信贷紧张行情。
The first wave [ of investment] was caught up in the Asian financial crisis, the devaluations in Latin America and the rouble crisis. 第一波(投资)赶上了亚洲金融危机、拉美货币贬值风潮和卢布危机。
So only half the buses come in first to pick up the first wave's students. 所以一半的校车先进来搭载第一批的学生。
The first wave consisted of Lebanese and Syrian, and some Egyptian immigrants. 移入美国的主要是黎巴嫩人、叙利亚人和部分埃及人。
True, August had been pretty nervy when the first wave of subprime fears shook world markets. 的确,去年8月份曾是一段相当紧张不安的时间,当时,第一波次级抵押贷款恐慌撼动了全球市场。
Sir, the first wave breaks North Korean airspace in nine minutes. 长官,9分钟内对北朝鲜的空军开始第一轮攻击。
The marauders kite the first wave of defenders away but newly-warped-in units finish off the terran attack. 虽然劫掠者风筝掉了第一波防守力量,但是通过跃迁增援而来的星灵部队抵挡住了人类的反扑。
Several African countries will be included in the first wave of implementation. 若干非洲国家将被纳入第一轮实施行动。
The forming and establishing of dual urban and rural household registry system in China is the outcome of the first wave of industrialization in new China. 中国城乡二元户籍制度的建立和形成,是新中国第一波工业化的产物。
The first wave contained an agent that suppressed an important gene for toxin resistance. 第一波微细胞中含有一种能抑制一个重要的抵抗病毒的基因的药物。
They said HSBC would be in the first wave of groups seeking a listing, should rules permit. 他们表示,如果规则允许,汇丰(hsbc)将是第一批寻求上市的企业之一。
And he lived a full life, he was in the first wave at Omaha beach. 他也活够了,奥马哈移民潮时他也在场。
Remember when the 1980s brought us the first wave of the modern computer and electronics revolution? 还记得八十年代带给我们的第一波现代电脑和电子革命吗?
The UK, Germany and Switzerland will also be in the first wave of countries to be targeted. 英国、德国和瑞士也将是新业务的首批目标国家。
At four in the afternoon the first wave of Japanese bombers came over. 下午4点,第一批日本轰炸机出现了。
Jayne and I take the first wave. 杰恩和我先开枪。
The next moment the first wave swept her down, swallowing the garden. 紧接着第一个浪头就把她打倒了。洪水吞噬了花园。
Chances are the stealth bomber would be in the first wave of attack. 隐形轰炸机将有机会在第一波攻击中派上用场。
We're just about ready to escort the first wave back to atlantis. 我们正要送第一批居民回亚特兰蒂斯。
I wrote my first Wave bot following this quick start tutorial in one afternoon. 我写的第一个Wavebot是跟着这个一个下午时间的快速入门指导开始的。
The top draw for iPhone 4's first wave of buyers in the US, UK, Japan, Germany and France was the ability to make video calls on the device, though that is for now limited to communications with other iPhone 4 owners via WiFi networks. 对于美国、英国、日本、德国和法国的首波买家而言,iPhone4最大的吸引力在于该设备能够进行视频通话,尽管目前只限于和其它iPhone4所有者通过WiFi网络进行交流。